Monday 3 June 2013

Preparing for my journey

Before the start of any journey there must be preparations...if the preparations are inadequate, the journey may end up a disaster..
I for one looooooove travelling but i hate packing and preparations so i think i know a thing or two about disasters..(i remember forgetting to pack underwear once because i packed hurriedly just a few hours before my trip..lols) but i digress..
The main issue is this i want my fab back and Im embarking on this journey to go get it back and before i start i need to prepare a few things especially my mind...
This journey is going to be full of ups and downs and i have to get ready for the that i don't give up all i need determination
Secondly this journey to getting my fab back will take shortcuts...I'm doing this the hard way that has been tried and i need patience
Thirdly i intend to have FUN... so i need to remember to always be chill...
I'm sure its about time i answered the obvious question of what i mean by getting my fab back:
Here's the thing...after i graduated medical school and started the torture called housejob, i sort of gave up on myself, i was always tired and stressed out...i started comfort eating at weird times of the day(and night) stopped hanging out and staying in touch with my friends (gave up on my blackberry) and almost became a recluse...and the worst part is that i blamed everything and everyone else for what and who i had become..i put on soo much weight about 20kg in less than 2 years (#shocked face) and i hated myself and everyone for what they did to me. Huh?????(crazy right?)
one day i realized i had had enough and i wanted the fun me back, the confident and outgoing fabulous diva in me wanted out..and that was how this blog was born..
i wanted to have a way of being accountable to both myself and my friends and family by documenting my goals and steps I'l be taking to get to those goals and that's the long summary of what i mean by getting my fab back..i am going to lose the extra kilos i piled on, I'm going to stop being unhappy, I'm going to get healthier from inside out, heck I'm going to grow out my hair, start caring for my nails, pray more often, learn how to short I'm going to do whatever it is i want to do to get the best version of Moi!


  1. Nice, I'd join you too. I'm becoming a grandpa without even knowing it.

  2. Lol! I love traveling too but hate packing. I'm looking forward to reading about how you increase your fab because you're always fabulous to me!
    Can't wait to start this journey with you! I hope lots of shopping is involved!!!!! So excited!!!!!

  3. Awww..thanx for the shopping definitely...but i dunno about lots...lols!!
